
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Thing #9

Image Generator #1 Dummiez Book Cover

How to Create It:  This generator was really easy to use.  The site takes you to a form.  You simply fill-in-the-blanks and click Change the Cover.  Then you can get the html code for it (this part was down) or save it to your hard drive. 

Negatives to this Generator:  You are limited on the number of characters on some parts.  That is why it says Freshie instead of Freshmen :)

How I Would Use It in the Classroom/Personally:  I can see myself using this generator to be the cover of their handbook for my classroom.  In this handbook I list rules, procedures, materials required, etc.  This was be a lighthearted way to introduce them to the course.

My Finished Product: 

Image Generator #2  Text Generator

How to Create It:  This generator is also really simple.  I first learned about it from one of our technology people in the county when she posted the link on her portaportal.  Simply click on the type of text you want to generate.  Type in your text, select your speed (if using a marque), color scheme, font, size, etc.  Then click on create codes and copy and paste. 

Negatives to this Generator:  None that I can see.

How I Would Use It in the Classroom/Personally:  I currently use this on my webpage to post a welcome sign.  After playing around with it today, I can see myself using it for announcements on the webpage and on over my projector and screen in class each day during the bellringer.   

My Finished Product: 

LCD Text Generator at

Image Generator #2  Blabberize

How to Create It:   Blabberize is more difficult than the other two generators above, but is also a lot more fun!  The website gives step by step directions.  First, pick an image.  Second, place the mouth (this is the hardest part).  Third upload the audio.  It can be through a microphone, a download, or my favorite a cell phone.  Then play your image.  If you like what you see, then make an account, save it, and you can share it with your friends.

Negatives to this Generator:  Placing the mouth can be difficult and finding clips under 30 sec. can be hard.  I found a clip I liked that was too long and called in on my phone.  I played it over the speakerphone and it worked perfectly. 

How I Would Use It in the Classroom/Personally:  Students can do this in history with almost any character.  They can record themselves reading the speech or saying a famous quote.  They can also do reviews this way which would be beneficial to those students who get shy in front of a crowd. 

My Finished Product:
Abe Lincoln Blabberized

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